Investor relations – corporate communications

Emelie Vervecken studied Media & Communication at the Erasmus Brussels University of Applied Sciences and Arts (EhB), and is a “Take the Lead”-alumna at Vlerick Business School.  

Emelie started her career in the international film finance industry from where she built a 10+ year track record in Investor Relations, Publicity and Corporate Communications. After, Emelie acted as an independent Corporate & Public Affairs consultant, and held a position as Corporate Affairs Director at strategic communications company Growth Inc. Before joining Buysse & Partners, Emelie worked as an independent political advisor during the Flemish Regional Elections 2019.

Emelie joined the Buysse & Partners team in June 2019 as Investor Relations and Corporate Communications manager. 

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Who's who

Frank Buysse

Guy Mertens

Dimitri Herbosch

Evi Vandenborne

Ingrid Baeten

Laurens Willems

Peter De Bie

Julie De Bruyn

Bruna Seghers

An Coenen

Tania Mertens

Edgar Hujoel

Eric Claessens

Florian Rotsaert

Epco Van Hemelen

Liesbeth Segers

Ian Fidlers

Alexander Vos

Loïc Vancauwenberghe

Michiel Ruysschaert

Karen van den Eshof

Ellen Daman

Evelien Coppens

Nathalie Van den Broeck

Anthony Verhaere

Johan Buyle

Noël Paesen

Nick De Luyck

Tim Holthof